SOLAIS believes that sustainable and monitored employment practices, worker safety and human rights are of fundamental importance. We therefore:
- strictly abide by professional Health and Safety provisions of law
- ensure that employment conditions are fair and satisfactory
- ensure that communication is ongoing with all personnel
- manage advancement for all personnel within the company, transparently and regarding both training and satisfaction
- ensure that no discrimination and/or molestation occurs
- organise training on all corporate tiers based on needs and directed toward personal and corporate advancement
Commercial fairness and sustainable procurement, human rights, society
SOLAIS upholds the principle that all organisations are responsible for ensuring respect of human rights. Commitment in this regard entails pinpointing goals and indicators to be monitored, followed by implementation of action plans to enhance the company’s performance. We therefore:
- have issued a code of conduct, which is periodically updated: download Code of conduct_July 2024 Codice Etico_rev Luglio 2024
reporting complaints Comunicazione WHISTLEBLOWING_agosto 2024
- request our suppliers to act in accordance with the same principles, regarding freedom, non-discrimination, freedom of association and freedom to engage in collective bargaining, child labour and/or forced labour, and practices linked to safety/security and social responsibility, as also set forth in our code of conduct
- actively engage in monitoring for prevention of corruption, intimidation, collusion, unfair practices etc.