
SO.LA.IS. met with success in 1998 when applying for its first ISO 9001 standard certification (download  ISO9001_2015_year 2024).
Since 2006, we have been ISO/TS 16949 quality standard certified, IATF since May 2018 (download  IATF16949_2016_year 2024).

Actions reflecting our commitment to quality started up in the early 1980s, with certification on the part of customers and AQP supply for OEM. Quality actions have been ongoing ever since, enabling today’s results.

Our Quality Policy aims are as follows:

Customer satisfaction
the customer, who is understood as the end user of our products: full awareness that each corporate area, in its dealings with the other areas, must act as a party to the Customer/Supplier relation. The aim is to meet the express needs of our customers, as well as any other needs not expressly indicated. We meet their needs while constantly monitoring the marketplace.

Ongoing improvement
understood as an ability to self-diagnose, thanks to constant monitoring of activities and prompt implementation of any remedial measures that may be required, with involvement of our personnel (made possible thanks to constant in-field training). This objective applies to all corporate fields. Control is also ensured by application of the performance ratings drawn up for the various corporate ambits (quality, environment, safety etc.).

Continuous commitment to sustainability, environment, safety and ethics,
committing to sustainability and seeking sustainable solutions in all its activities and processes. Evaluating the relationship that company processes have with the environmental characteristics of the surrounding area and taking action to reduce and/or eliminate harmful consequences or seize positive opportunities; the company is also committed to contributing to the solution of environmental problems that may arise from the use of its products, through research, the optimization of production cycles, a careful evaluation of new technologies and the correct disposal of waste.
Monitoring the impacts of all company processes (even those planned) with safety, respecting all health and safety provisions, maintaining an effective system for interception of crimes and prevention and training – information in all company dpt; committing to ethics and fair business practices both internally and with its supply chain.

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